Compared to the bracelet that was given to me, this one was not very flexible and I thought it was too big. From several of the websites I looked at, they recommended starting with large beads and working down to the smaller beads.
After trying to start one at least 20 times, the frustration got the better of me and I found a website for Spiral Rope Starters. Some enterprising lady named Rose makes these little beginners and for $20, she’ll send you one. At least it gives you something to hold onto while starting these miserable things. However, while waiting for it to arrive, I tried using the Size 11 beads and it was a success! Dunno why the smaller beads were easier, but it worked and it only takes me 2-3 tries to get them started!
Here's several of my tries so far. I'm still having trouble perfecting the "invisible join" part. I can still see where it is, but am going to keep at it until I get it right.
I was complaining to my sister about not being able to find a good selection of beads here (not knowing that a new craft store had just opened across the street from my office!) and Debi was off like a shot to the craft store in Boise (me thinks she wants a bracelet…..). Anyway, I think a care package is in the mail, but knowing Debi, she probably has something up her sleeve.