Of course, I had to take Sandy's other foundation piecing class, Pinapple blocks. I think I like this method of piecing! Here's some of our results today:
It was a long day and I'm tired! (Actually, I think we all look tired.)
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Dresden Fans
Sandy Corbin was vacationing on Oahu as she and her husband do twice a year. She always takes time out from waterskiing to teach several quilting classes. She is great fun and we thoroughly enjoy her. Last weekend, I attended her Dresden Fan foundation piecing class and had a great time. Here's one block:
One of the other students, Donna, took three of us (Sandy, Carol, and me) to the monthly Hawaii Quilt Guild meeting.
One of the other students, Donna, took three of us (Sandy, Carol, and me) to the monthly Hawaii Quilt Guild meeting.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
I've been working hard on this Hawaiian Applique'. I have the echo quilting around the border left to do and the binding. This one is a wallhanging approximately 42 inches square. I love doing this type of handquilting. I just wish my stitches were more consistent!
When I get this one finished, there's about 3 other Hawaiian Applique' projects waiting to be stitched. My aunt and I had a great time choosing batik fabrics for appliqué' when we visited Kapaia Stitchery in Lihue, Kauai, this summer. Wonderful store!!
When I get this one finished, there's about 3 other Hawaiian Applique' projects waiting to be stitched. My aunt and I had a great time choosing batik fabrics for appliqué' when we visited Kapaia Stitchery in Lihue, Kauai, this summer. Wonderful store!!
Puzzle Box
I haven't posetd in awhile, but I have been busy! One of my favorite patterns is the Puzzle Box and I finished two of them to set them aside as gifts. I left part of the binding unfinished so I could put labels on later.
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