Monday, July 2, 2012

Catching Up

It's been awhile since I've posted and my quilting has taken a back seat.  I did finish the Dresden Fan below.  It was the first paper piecing project I've done and I had a good time doing it.

My second paper piecing project is the pineapple.  I got it on the frame and nearly halfway quilted when my machine starting giving me fits with the top thread breaking every few inches.  I tried everything -- changed the needle, tried different threads,  futzed with the tension, cleaned, oiled the machine.  After several weeks, I gave up and took it in to the shop.  Seems I've been so hard on the machine, it just needed a tune up.  Works like a charm now!  Next time, I won't wait so long or get so frustrated.

Our eldest son, Bryan (the one on the left), has quit the only job he's ever had (since he was 14) and decided to return to school.  Yay!  However, he decided to go to the mainland and we have spent the last couple of months getting him ready to go, shipping his truck and his belongings.  He left last week and I am missing him something fierce!

The day he left, however, was a little unusual.  He went down to Waikiki where one of his best friends is a tattoo artist and he had to get one before he left.  BUT he talked me into going with him.  And I came home with a little one, too.  I think he expected me to wimp out.  Hah!  I'm a mom to two boys.  Can't be wimpy!

In the middle of getting Bryan ready to go, I lost my mom.  She had been in a care facility on the mainland for the past 5 years.  She had suffered a stroke and, thanks to my sister calling me in time, I was able to fly home to see her and tell her I loved her.  I would like to think she knew I was there as well as 3 of my 4 sisters.  She peacefully passed away the day after I returned to the islands.  The little honu in my tattoo is in memory of her.

Several months ago, I attended a monthly meeting of the Hawaii Quilt Guild and they had a tutorial on these little hexagons.  Instead of working on my Hawaiian Applique', I've taken a short detour and have been playing with these.  The finished "flowers" are only 4 inches across.  A quilt would take a kabillion of these hex's.  Dunno if I'll get that far, but it's something to do to keep my hands busy.

AND for the second time in probably 8 years, my one and only orchid plant blossomed!!!  I guess benign neglect really works.

There!  Now I think we're all caught up.