Saturday, January 1, 2011

I must be bored...

Trying to burn excess vacation time before the end of the year, I've spent the last week and a half at home.  I can't remember the last time I stayed home for such a long period.  Three- or four-day weekends are more my style.  Anything longer than that is usually used to get off this island for a time.

Now that the holidays are over, I've been doing everything possible in order to stay OUT of the refrigerator and not feed my face!  So far today, I've kept busy cleaning house and mucking out my sewing "cave."  I finished a new Tessellating Pinwheels that just needed binding.  That pink/blue One Block Wonder is now on the frame, but we're waiting for the batting to arrive.  It might be NEXT year before I get that one done.  I got out another, smaller One Block Wonder that I have to cut more hex's and it's waiting patiently on the table.

Then I got a wild hair and pulled out my cross-stitching stuff outta the garage and have spent the last hour or so trying to scan the pattern in to the computer.  (I like to mark up copies of the pattern and leave the original as-is.)  Only problem is that we upgraded my PC to Windows 7 not long ago and it doesn't want to see my scanner!  Just now got it to work while updating this blog.  (I love my Mac, I love my Mac).

One of my dining room chairs has come apart so, armed with Scott's staple gun, I reupholstered a new seat cover and put the chair back together.

Oh yeah, and I got back on the WeightWatchers website and started tracking again today after two weeks of playing hookie.  I guess sticking to my diet has to be my New Year's resolution (again), darn it!

And the day's not over yet!

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