Wednesday, March 30, 2011

One Block Wonder Finished!

It's done!  This one was fun to put together, trying to decide where to put the blocks, and matching all those seams.  But nearly every step of the way, it tested my patience.  From my earlier posts, the tradewinds played havoc with my design wall.  Then the problems with my sewing machine!!!

Two of my favorite blocks:

Now on to the Japanese Jigsaw puzzle.....

1 comment:

jill said...

OHHH my the close ups are gorgeous!!! ok sorry but that was worth all the blood sweat and tears!! love the colors the patterns oh oh oh!!
sorry your machine was naughty -- I had the same issues using the organ needles but when I switched to schmetz 16 topstitch VOILA!!

Hope you are recovering from your OBW!!
you do such fantastic work you really should make a few more!!