Friday, March 20, 2009

Featherweight 221

Look what came to live with me yesterday! She’s a little Singer Featherweight 221-1 born October 28, 1947.

I bought her off eBay and she was shipped out of California. I brought her home, cleaned her up and oiled her. She runs like a champ, nice and quiet. I’ll have to take her in for a tune-up as there was a receipt in the carrying case for service in November 1968 for $7.50!

My husband, bless his pea-pickin’ heart, just rolled his eyes and said “cute.”

Of course, I got on the phone with Aunt Karen to laugh and compare notes. Now we’ve got to name her. Any ideas?


Kristie said...

Oh! That is NICE! I just love old machines!

Becky said...

I was just in the blogging neighborhood and dropped by. Now you and Karen can have play dates with your cute little machines! My vote is to name her Mavis.

CAROL said...

I learnt to sow on one back a long time ago I think she should be called Vera but not just plain Vera you must add Dame in front "DAME VERA"

Darci said...

Karen and I ARE planning a "play date" of sorts. We're getting together next month for a quilting shop hop! I like the name, too. Thanks!

Rose said...

Got your blog from the ebay site where the instructions for building the quilting machine is located. My husband has volunteered to build one for me and I will use my 40 year old Kenmore on it and save my Espire Baby Lock for the other good stuff. Love your quilts, they are great. Hope I do as well on the machine with mine. Love Hawaii, have been there several times. My sister lives on the Big Island so we visit and dive. Talk at you later.