Saturday, March 17, 2012

Knittax Yarn Winder

I seem to have this "thing" for yarn winders.  I love them.  It must be the rhythm of turning the handle.  And I have lots of memories of helping my mom wind yarn when I was little.  Recently, I found one identical to my mother's.  However, I could not find the right size o-ring to fit it or a clamp to attach it to the table.  I was discouraged.

Then I saw an one on a blog that was really different from the typical yarn winder.  It looked really solid, was all in one piece and, of course, hasn't been made in the last 30 years or so.  It took me a couple of months to find one and it was on eBay.  After sheer determination and some fierce bidding, I won.  

I am thrilled with it.  I've rewound all the yarn I have (which is not much!).  Maybe I should learn how to knit....

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