Thursday, October 2, 2008

Devan's Scrappy Diamonds

My current project is a queen-size Scrappy Diamonds for my son, Devan. As you can tell, he likes lime green! His bedroom is even painted lime green! It took multiple trips to every fabric store on the island to come up with enough green material. I'm not sure about this one, probably too much green for me, but Devan loves it.

I got the top completed, purchased the batting, and found the backing material. Then I was faced with basting it with pins and no way did I have enough pins for this one! And I did not have enough table top space to try to machine quilt it. All of a sudden, I was overwhelmed and wondered how I was going to complete it. So it has gone into my closet as my second UFO until I can figure out what to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That quilt is gorgeous, looks like an easy pattern too.